Welcome to Chiron Anesthesia
Office-Based Anesthesia Services for North Houston, Spring, Tomball, Conroe, and The Woodlands
Anesthesia Services Tailored for Your Needs
Anesthesia is often associated with hospitals and outpatient surgery centers (ASCs). Often, now, physicians are looking for options to provide patient care in their office, minimizing external challenges. Office-based anesthesia services by Chiron Anesthesia aims to provide those services based on the needs of the practice. Utilizing current evidence-based practice standards, Chiron aims to increase the productivity of physician office procedures by providing a dedicated anesthesia provider, certified and up-to-date in current practice standards for all types of anesthesia.

Anesthetic Methods
Anesthesia Methods include:
General Anesthesia
Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)
Deep Sedation
Regional Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia

Serving the Full Range of Patients
Office-based procedures include a wide range of patients, and Chiron Anesthesia is trained and prepared for adult, geriatric, and pediatric patients.
Patients are screened preoperatively for office-based procedures to ensure a safe anesthetic. Not all patients are candidates for a procedure in the setting of an office based on a number of factors. Chiron Anesthesia ensures the patient has a personalized evaluation and anesthetic for the best, safest outcome.
Contact Me
Steven Powell, CRNA
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist